Coffee: Facts vs Fiction

 People want to believe what they think is beneficial for them. No matter if there’s a link between that with reality or not. They only wanna know the things which make them feel good and give them hope for something. Sometimes people start believing in such fictional stories which could be hurtful or dangerous for them in the long run or side effects could make the situation even worse than they are suffering.


     Coffee can make us slim

People think that consumption of coffee can reduce weight so people who are trying to gain weight should not consume coffee or people who want to lose weight should drink black coffee as much as they can but in reality, excessive consumption of coffee will not help in any weight loss or people struggling gain wait should avoid it. But people should not believe any of these fictions but should do their own research because excess consumption of coffee can increase the heart rate, can create an inability to sleep, excess urination, anxiety, and migraine.


      Coffee is good for our skin

A lot of people are experimenting with the ingredients which is good for our skin and which are not. Coffee is one of the ingredients that really is beneficial for glowing skin, it allows the skin to glow and its consumption also makes a difference in our bodies by triggering antioxidants and dopamine which reduces the cortisol from our bodies which results in good skin conditions because of the stress-free life it allows. Also, an antioxidant is found called caffeic acid may increase collagen levels and slow down cell aging.


      Coffee consumption won’t let you sleep

Coffee intake can boost the energy levels in a person which can increase productivity in you since it activates the antioxidants in the body and you feel good because of the feel-good hormone; Dopamine. However, the fiction about this issue is that coffee consumption can make you stay awake that’s not true since the excessive consumption of coffee can affect the sleep of a person. Normal intake of coffee can even relaxes the mind which can cause sleep.



      Coffee consumption is not good for women

A lot of women around the world consume coffee, but the consumption pattern is different some women drink high-content caffeinated coffee and some take a normal percentage of coffee. Although there are diseases that are caused in women like infertility, and cysts, due to immoderate coffee consumption. The amount of consumption is what matters a lot for everyone’s health. Moderate consumption is what can make a difference now and can neutralize consumption and its effects on the human body. However, there’s no information that can prove that coffee is not good for women, but the amount of consumption is what matters a lot.


Asking yourself "why do I drink coffee?" is the first step in weaning yourself off of coffee. If you really enjoy the flavor, you should manage your habit to make it less damaging to your hormones. If you enjoy coffee because it gives you energy and keeps you awake, drink it, but limit yourself to no more than 3 to 4 regular-sized cups each day. For more update , visit us
